Hi Emerald class
It's great to hear from more of you this week. We check the blog and emails almost every day so keep letting us know what you've been doing and showing us your work. Have a look on the display board too. We’ve added several bits of work so have a look to see if yours is there.
Did you enjoy VE day last Friday? It certainly makes you think about the sacrifices people made during the war. Did anyone celebrate or do any activities on VE day? I know there were several street parties organised near me. Why don’t you tell us in a blog or 2 email.
If you’d like some extra outdoor craft activities, check out Mrs Phipp’s Eco Activities for some great challenges. Don’t forget to keep up your
I hope you’re finding the weekly pages useful. Try and do a bit of English and maths every day, then add in our other subjects when you can.
Keep busy and keep learning!
This week I would like you to work through these 3 tasks:
1. Writing:
I'd like you to have a look at our exciting new book: Incredible Quests (The Londorium Transportium Part 1) on Active Learn.
I've allocated it to you so have a look.
There's an activity to do each day so click on the link below and have a go:
If you are struggling to open the workbook link, just click on the English icon on our Class page and you'll find the work there.
You can't write on the screen so jot your answers down in your exercise book from school. You could even email a picture of your work to me on Purple Mash.
You have been allocated a spelling activity on Purple Mash. Click on the link:
Year 4 spelling Year 5 spelling
3. Grammar:
Some work on verbs this week. Have a go at:
4.Following on from last week, could you continue your diary on Purple Mash. Log in and you'll find it on your To-Do list. Please have a go and keep us updated with all your activities.
5.You will see an icon on our class page called Reading comprehensions. Each week, could you choose one to have a go at. The ones you choose are up to you but have a go. Remember to look at the bottom corner for the star rating: Each task has a 1*, 2* or 3* rating. (3* is the most challenging, so choose the level you think is most appropriate to you.)
6. You have been allocated some extra spelling and grammar tasks on Active Learn. Log in and have a go.
Please use your Bug Club log in to read for at least 30 minutes per day. Well done everyone who has been logging in. We can see online how many books you have read and how many quizzes you have completed.
Please follow the White Rose maths lesson links. Choose Y4 or Y5 and continue from the last lesson you completed. There are 5 Maths lessons uploaded each week. There are questions included in the videos but from this week, you will not be able to access the sheets. Instead, we recommend using the questions included in the Power Maths Summer Home Edition. Your parents have been sent a link to the ebook and some of you have ordered a print copy which was delivered last week. The lessons in this book match the content in the White Rose Home Learning (which also matches the BBC bitesize lesson scheduled for your year group). Some of them recap learning we have covered already in Textbook A or B, others are new lessons.
Power Maths has 3 sections to each lesson. Please look at a single page at a time. Discover has a challenge for you to think about and discuss with an adult. Share then shows you strategies to solve this. Try getting pencil and paper or counters to work through what it shows you. The next two pages are practice pages for you to complete.
Extra challenges
Check the Maths pages. I see Maths offers daily reasoning challenges with a video to watch and a sheet to complete. Just don't peek at the answers on sheet two until you have given the challenges a good go. Maybe try one or two a week. You have also been allocated Maths factor lessons on Active Learn and some challenges on Purple Mash if you are looking for extra maths practice. Please prioritise the White Rose and Power Maths lessons as they stay in line with what we would have learned in school.
Go to the Physical activities pages for lots of great ideas. This week’s challenge on the weekly update features netball.
Year 4:
Please can you have a go at Lesson 3 on our Sound topic.
Video Book There’s no activity this week so you could have a go at our extra activities
Year 5:
Please can you have a go at Lesson 3 on our Forces topic.
If any of you want a whole host of extra activities, click on the Science Icon and have a go at the activities. Lots to find out and discover.
Thank you so much to everyone who completed the VE day newspaper report. This is due in Tuesday so there is still time for you to finish. If I have sent it back for a bit of extra editing, please complete this and then hand it in again. Have a look at our special VE day virtual notice board to see some fabulous newspaper articles and bunting designs from everyone.
We’re continuing with our What is Under our feet topic this week. Step 3 is to investigate Stone Age Homes. Click here to find everything you need. Make sure you read all the information first and then complete this week’s task. Please send Mrs Watkin a photo of your finished task using purple mash email.
Take a look at our projects page to start investigating Judaism. There are several activities to complete here. This week I have added a page to help you investigate Bar and Bat Mitzvah. This is one of the most important events in the life of a Jewish child and symbolises them becoming an adult. You can take photos of any work you do and upload it on purple mash or if you would like to complete the postcard activity, you can find a blank one on purple mash with some prompts.
Time to discuss
Mrs Wilson is posting all the picture news discussions onto the collective worship and discussion pages. This week's picture is focused on outer space. Who do you think outer space should belong to? Have a look at the picture and may be have a chat with your family about their opinions. Or why not check out the Fischy youtube channel. They stream a collective worship every week and all your favourite collective worship songs are also up there.
It's been lovely to see some of the exciting activities you've been doing on our blog. Have any of you learnt a new skill? Why don't you post some pictures and let us all know? Remember you can also email us using the 2 email feature on purple mash.
Well done for everyone who had a go at the Diary writing on Purple Mash. Have a look on our display board to see some of the fantastic work so far. If you've started one, have a look at the comments, they just need a few edits and let's get them on the display board.
We hope you and your families are all well. Keep busy and keep in touch everyone. Hopefully we'll be back together again soon.
Mrs McElhattan and Mrs Watkin
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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