Hello Sapphire children,
Welcome to the Summer term!
I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and that there was some kind of chocolate involved! I'm sure there was! It has been really nice to hear about what you've been up to on our blog pages, please keep it up! Also, thank you to those of you who have sent me an email reply on Purple Mash. It is also a great way to keep in touch. Here are some tasks that I'd like you to try this week:
Please continue to work on the White Rose daily lessons. Click on the video to play it and watch the lesson then complete the task. You don't even have to print it off, as long as you can record your answers and working out somewhere. If you have been following the lessons, this week is Summer term week 1 and it is all about angles. You can go back and start at any of the lessons if you haven't managed to explore this brilliant resource yet.
Don't forget that there are some arithmetic papers for you to practise in the assessments section on our class page too.
Please check out our Maths section on the class page for some little extra Maths activities, such as the big number puzzle that I have added this week.
Please complete one comprehension task from your SAT buster book and if possible, go through the answers. I have also added an extra comprehension unit in the reading section on our class page. I have allocated you a text called 'Risks and Spills' for you to read on Active learn. There are daily tasks that link to this text that I have also allocated to you. You can also find the daily questions on our reading section of the class page. Please take a look and have a go. Again, you don't have to print it out, just record your answers somewhere.
Well done those people who have visited bug club and read some e-books that have been allocated. I can see that about half the class are doing this. For those of you that have, I have allocated you some more e books to enjoy.
Have you completed your Winter to Spring poem yet? ( see Easter holiday work) I'd love to read some of them, or even better, hear them being read aloud. Remember, you have the option of completing this on Purple Mash on a template, or you can write/type up your own.
This week, I'd like you to explore the idea of writing a memoir. This is a way of recording a moment or period of time that you remember and that is significant to you. This is the perfect time for writing a memoir, since we are living through a time that will be remembered forever. Why not record your experiences of the last month, living in lock down? Or a memoir about anything else that stands out in your memory? I have included lots of resources to help you get started with this in the writing resources section of our class page. I have also allocated you some resources to help you with planning your memoir on active learn. I'd love to read some of these and I've set a 2do task on Purple Mash, called 'Sapphire Memoirs' as a place where we can all record our memoirs.Alternatively, you may wish to write yours somewhere else, like in a note book or type it up on a Word document.
Please complete the Spelling Quiz 1 on Purple Mash and hand in to me so that I can see how you're getting on with your spellings.
There is also a grammar task on Purple Mash for you to complete and hand in about the passive voice.
Continue learning about forces by checking out the work on the Science section of the website. I have added some extra resources and ideas for some simple experiments to do with gravity in the Science section of our class page and have allocated some Science tasks on Active learn too. There are some video links and other resources to explore here.
Our topic link this Summer term is 'Going for Gold', where we would have been learning all about the Olympics in the lead up to the Toyko 2020 Olympic Games this summer. Unfortunately, the Olympic Games have been postponed and won't be held this year. However, that can't stop us learning about the Olympics and there certainly is lots to find out about! This week, i'd like to focus on the Olympic Rings and what they represent. Do some research to find out about the rings and then have a go at completing the tasks in the Olympics folder in our topic section of the class page.
I have found some links for Olympic Rings art and craft- why not get creative and have a go at some of these ideas. Look in the Art section on our class page for more details.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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